Christine Jacobsen
Christine M. Jacobsen is a Professor of Social Anthropology working mainly in the fields of Gender Studies and International Migration and Ethnic Relations. She is currently director of Centre for Women’s and Gender research at the University of Bergen, Norway.
From 2011 – 2015 she headed the RCN (NFR)-funded project on the Provision of welfare to irregular migrants (PROVIR). PROVIR investigated the complex relationship between law, institutional practice, and irregular migrants’ lived experience in Norway with a particular focus on health and education. Some of the major findings from the project are presented in the co-edited volume Eksepsjonell velferd: Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet. Jacobsen also does fieldwork with irregularized migrants and their encounter with health care institutions in France. She is writing up this research in a book on Un/documented lives in Marseille. From November 2016 Jacobsen will head a new 3 year international research project funded by the RCN, Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration (WAIT). WAIT is concerned with the consequences of prolonged waiting for migrant’s health and well-being.
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