Five key take home messages from the high-level dialogue on Covid-19 vaccine access for migrant and mobile populations in South Africa
The Migration and Coronavirus in Southern Africa Coordination Group (MiCoSA) recently (on 25th August) held a high-level dialogue on the access of the Covid-19 vaccine for migrant and mobile populations in South Africa. The meeting was hosted online under Chatham House Rules, and brought together nearly 40 participants representing various sectors; including government departments, international organisations, civil society groups and researchers.
These are the five key take home messages from that dialogue for the South African government to take into consideration in its designing and implementation of the national Covid-19 vaccination programme:
1. Be cognisant of the xenophobic climate in the country.
2. Improve communication for vaccination teams and non-citizens.
3. Engage bilaterally and regionally on complementary vaccination programming across the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
4. Develop and implement a legal firewall.
5. Work with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) to improve access to documentation.
Click here for the rest of the dialogue report.
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