‘It’s about being safe and free to be who you are’: Exploring the lived experiences of queer migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa

John Marnell, Elsa Oliveira and Gabriel Hoosain Khan (2020). ‘It’s about being safe and free to be who you are’: Exploring the lived experiences of queer migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa‘, Sexualities 0:0, 1-25, DOI: 10.1177/1363460719893617.

This article presents findings from three arts-based studies conducted by the African Centre for Migration and Society, in partnerships with Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action and the Sisonke National Sex Worker Movement. Drawing on participant-created visual and narrative artefacts, the article offers insights into the complex ways in which queer migrants, refugees and asylum seekers living in South Africa negotiate their identities, resist oppression and confront stereotypes. It reveals the dynamic ways in which queer migrants, refugees and asylum seekers forge a sense of belonging in spite of concurrent vulnerabilities and structural discrimination. It also reflects on the benefits and limitations of using participatory arts-based research with marginalised groups.


About John Marnell

John Marnell is a doctoral researcher at the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS). His work uses visual and narrative methodologies to explore the lived experiences of LGBTIQ migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Having joined the ACMS after many years working in LGBTIQ activism, John is passionate about working collaboratively with social justice movements and experimenting with different forms of participatory knowledge production.
