Report Xenophobia in Times of COVID-19

Have you experienced any form of discrimination in relation to COVID-19 because of where you come from, your nationality and/or ethnicity?

Have you been denied access to health care services because of where you come from, your nationality and/or ethnicity? This may include being denied access to testing for COVID-19, or to other services or opportunities for support.

Have you experienced discrimination/abuse by the police/army because of where you come from, your nationality and/or ethnicity?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, you can report your experiences to Xenowatch. Developed by the African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) at the University of Witwatersrand, Xenowatch is an online tool used to monitor xenophobic threats and violence across South Africa.

Send us a description of your experience, date of incident and location of any past, current and potential xenophobic incidents to:

– Free SMS: 44705
– E-mail:
– Website:
– Mobile app: Xenowatch
– WhatsApp/Call: +27 (0)60 794 9882
In case of emergency: 08600 10111

Help us to share this information widely. Click the following links to download this Xenowatch poster in colour (.jpeg), BW_1 (.pdf), and BW_2 (.pdf).
