SeaM: Security at the Margins
Elsa Oliveira, S. J. Cooper-Knock and Jo Vearey. (2020) SeaM Security at the Margins. Published by The Seam Project. Johannesburg [OPEN ACCESS]
Cities are a conundrum. They are at once spaces of connectivity and marginalisation, optimism and injustice. Rapid urban growth, persistent structural oppression, and the limitations of urban governance are issues that city dwellers face. But, for some, living in urban centres also results in improved economic standing, stronger capabilities, and expanded freedoms. The Security at the Margins (SeaM) project sought to explore these tensions and contradictions.
Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the South Africa National Research Foundation (NRF), Security at the Margins (SeaM) was a three-year collaboration that brought together the University of the Witwatersrand, the University of Edinburgh, local government, and civil society partners to better understand and respond to marginality in urban South Africa, Kenya, and the United Kingdom. The hope was to create the foundations for a long-lasting, international, inter-institutional partnership.
This publication features research conducted during the SeaM project and includes reflections by practitioners and research colleagues working in similar areas. Read and download the project e-book below:

- Narratives in a Time of Crisis (2022) - February 20, 2023
- OP-ED: No country for poor people – South African government must act on its motto of ‘saving lives and protecting livelihoods’ - March 31, 2021
- CfP: Special Issue – (Re)imagining Research, Activism, and Rights at the Intersections of Sexuality, Health, and Social Justice - August 23, 2020
- SeaM: Security at the Margins - July 6, 2020
- The personal is political: a feminist reflection on a journey into participatory arts-based research with sex worker migrants in South Africa - November 7, 2019
- Mwangaza Mama - March 11, 2019
- Mapping Trends: Power imbalances and the circulation of information on sex work - October 30, 2018
- Making Research and Building Knowledge with Communities: Examining Three Participatory Visual and Narrative Projects with Migrants Who Sell Sex in South Africa - November 15, 2017
- Examining the use of participatory visual and narrative methods to explore the lived experience of migrants in Southern Africa - August 10, 2017
- Beyond the single story: creative research approaches with migrant sex workers in South Africa - May 4, 2017
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