Verina Wild
Verina Wild is a Post Doc researcher at the philosophy department at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. Her main research interests are clinical ethics, public health ethics and global health justice, with a special focus on migrant health. She is a physician by training and has worked in bioethics and public health ethics since 2008.
About: Dr. Verina Wild is a Post Doc researcher and lecturer at the philosophy department at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. Her main research interests are clinical ethics, public health ethics and global health justice, with a special focus on migrant health. From 2008 – 2016 she was Senior Teaching and Research Associate at the Institute of Biomedical Ethics, University of Zurich and has served intermittently as Deputy Director of the Institute. Verina Wild supervises PhD students at the Universities of Zurich and Munich. 2008 – 2016 she was member of the Executive Committee (Leitungsausschuss) of the Center of Ethics, University of Zurich. In 2011 she was visiting research fellow at the “Center for the History and Ethics of Public Health” of the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University New York. From 2008 – 2010 she was in the steering group for the Clinical Ethics Committee at the University Hospital Zurich and has intermittently served as clinical ethicist. For her work on ethics of drug research on pregnant women she received the German Young Scholars Award in Medical Ethics. Before joining IBME she worked as a physician in internal medicine in Berlin, Germany. During her studies she worked in hospitals in Germany, Tansania, Scotland, Spain, Argentina. She was DAAD / Carlo Schmid scholar at the Ethics and Health Unit, World Health Organization Geneva.
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