WEBINAR INVITATION: The “covidisation” of migration and health research – Southern African consultation
The African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) in collaboration with the Migration and Coronavirus in Southern Africa Coordination Group (MiCoSA) would like to invite you to attend the Southern African consultation on the “covidisation” of migration and health research.
The Covid-19 pandemic dominated most aspects of 2020 and the start of 2021, including research in the field of migration and health, which has not been spared “covidisation” – the re-orientating of research to focus on Covid-19 – nor the consequences of the global pandemic on conducting and sharing research.
In collaboration with colleagues at University College London and Queen Mary University of London, the ACMS is organising a series of workshops, aiming to explore the possibilities of achieving ethical and equitable international research partnerships in the field of migration and health within the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. We seek to unpack the challenges and potential opportunities Covid-19 has presented to the field, and through collaborative discussions and dialogue, consider solutions-focused next steps in moving forward. In doing so, we will explore the application of the draft Guidelines for Ethical and Equitable International partnerships in Migration Research (Johannesburg Principles), which can help guide ethical and equitable international research partnerships in the field of migration and health research in the context of Covid-19. This includes paying attention to the opportunities – and ethical challenges – associated with the increasing need to move research online.
In order to feed into this process, and ensure that a diversity of voices are included in the process, we are organising regional consultations, feedback from which will be included in the development of an addendum to the Johannesburg Principles.
Date: Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 CET
Zoom registration link: https://wits-za.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIudemurj4qE9Hg1xwF_aGaCAzOLYY5xs7a. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Attached you will also find the Johannesburg Principles and a short concept note which, while not exhaustive, outlines key concerns that have emerged with the “covidisation” of migration and health research over the last year, and will serve to frame our discussion.
This is an open invitation, so please feel free to share it with colleagues who may be interested.
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